Digital Wellness Pedagogy
Breaking the Scroll Habit: Strategies for Reclaiming Focus in a Social Media World
Are you finding it difficult to focus on your work due to the constant distractions of social media? You are not alone. Social media addiction is a real problem that affects millions of people worldwide. The endless scrolling, notifications, and likes can be addictive and can hinder our productivity and
Supporting Independence in Learning
One of the most important factors in fostering independent learning is cultivating a growth mindset and confidence in our students
Life Style
The 5 Rules of Discipline at Work and Daily Life
Maintaining discipline at work and in daily life is a cornerstone of success and well-being. It defines the structure and consistency necessary to guide behaviors, manage time effectively, and achieve personal and professional goals. Key to effectiveness, discipline impacts productivity, stress levels, and relationships, showcasing why it’s a topic that
Life Style
How To Building Confidence Through Advocacy in Teens
In today’s fast-paced world, it is crucial for teenagers to develop essential life skills that will enable them to navigate various challenges and thrive in society. One of the most important set of skills that teens need to cultivate are decision-making, problem-solving, building confidence and self-advocacy. These skills play a
New Website from Will Maquire
The new website of Trancelantic co-founder Will is online. From whom are you wondering? Just take a look.
Vallaround ist ein kreatives Studio, das sich auf Animation, Produktion, Schulung (Toon Boom) und professionelle Beratung konzentriert. “Unser Markenzeichen basiert auf qualitativ hochwertigen Inhalten und der Liebe zum Detail. Wir können Dienstleistungen anbieten, die von der Produktion über Software-Beratung bis hin zu Design und maßgeschneiderten Lösungen für Ihr Unternehmen reichen”.
Das Unternehmen wurde 1969 gegründet und von den Brüdern Pacileo (Francesco und Luciano) geführt und verwaltet. Das Unternehmen befindet sich in den Hügeln von Maida (Catanzaro), einem Gebiet mit hohem Olivenanbau. Das Unternehmen ist im Olivenölsektor tätig und produziert mit der Società Semplice Agricola Pacileo Olivenöl extra vergine. Unser Anspruch
Eine kreative Filmproduktionsfirma mit Sitz in Lecco, Italien. “Die Kunden kommen in der Regel mit einem Auftrag oder einer Idee zu uns und wir arbeiten mit ihnen zusammen, um Inhalte zu erstellen, die ihren Marketingzielen entsprechen”.
Tech & Science
Tech & Science
Augmented Reality and Productivity: An Overview
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information onto the real world. It has the potential to revolutionize the way we work and interact with our environment, making tasks more efficient and effective. AR can be applied to various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, education, and entertainment, to name
Tech & Science
Perseverance extracts Oxygen from Mars
On April 20, the 60th Martian day, NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover with its Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE) extracts first Oxygen from Red Planet.
Tech & Science
New supported language in Playlist
We proudly present a new feature in our beloved WordPress Widget Trancelantic Playlist. In addition to English, German and Italian, the new version will now also support Chinese.
Business is determined by supply and demand. Pretty easy. Our contribution to the 99Fire-Films-Award 2014. By a true story. Enjoy.
Fish Flash
Fish Flash were found in an old attic room. Fish Flash burst out into the real world. Fascinated by movies, they decide to reenact...
FRA Airport
Sometimes we witness a synchronicity of events where time and space run parallel to each other and incapsulates the most perfect combination
Life Style
Life Style
The 5 Rules of Discipline at Work and Daily Life
Maintaining discipline at work and in daily life is a cornerstone of success and well-being. It defines the structure and consistency necessary to guide behaviors, manage time effectively, and achieve personal and professional goals. Key to effectiveness, discipline impacts productivity, stress levels, and relationships, showcasing why it’s a topic that
Life Style
How To Building Confidence Through Advocacy in Teens
In today’s fast-paced world, it is crucial for teenagers to develop essential life skills that will enable them to navigate various challenges and thrive in society. One of the most important set of skills that teens need to cultivate are decision-making, problem-solving, building confidence and self-advocacy. These skills play a
Life Style
Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, and Self-Advocacy in Teens 2024
Building self-advocacy skills enables adolescents to confidently express their needs and rights.
Life Style
10 Principles of Goal-Setting Theory: Unlocking the Path to Success
The 10 principles of Goal-setting theory is a well-established psychological framework that aims to enhance motivation and performance by setting specific, challenging, and attainable objectives. This theory was first developed by Edwin Locke and Gary Latham in the late 1960s and has since evolved to include a set of principles
Life Style
How to Teach Kids Time Management and Productivity: Essential Strategies for Parents
Teaching kids time management and productivity is essential for developing a foundation of organizational skills that can benefit them throughout life. Just as adults need to navigate their responsibilities and use their time effectively, children also benefit from learning how to manage tasks, prioritize activities, and use their time wisely.
Life Style
The Psychology Behind Productivity: Unveiling Motivational Mechanisms
Productivity is often viewed as the measure of output per unit of input, but there’s a significant psychological component underpinning our ability to be productive. Understanding this component involves examining various psychological factors like motivation, focus, and energy, which all play a critical role in how efficiently and effectively we